Stock Management Book


Read more about it at the Prof’s Bookstore .

The book is Now available in black-and-white.

The book is currently available at a ten percent discount off the $49.95 price for the black and white version.

To get the discount go directly to the Professor's Book Store. Buy the book here. It ships in 24 hours.

Now, what can all this do for me?

  • The book is based on the Class!
  • The next step in investment education. 
  • All the charts and figures like in class.
  • Expanded explanation of concepts.
  • Step-by-step transaction examples.
  • Glossary of defined terminology.
  • Index of topics covered in course.
  • Read the Forward from the book.

Watch an actual student interview in the class that was shown on WJXT channel 4 in Jacksonville, Florida.

The “Professor's web site Classroom” is based on the teachings in the classes and provides the daily stock market indexes, top ten Gainers and Losers along with the Market Signals displaying the status for the DMI, COACH and A/D OSC. The A/D OSC status will show when it has a Small Change.

Don't worry, you will learn what these indicators are, how to read them and what they tell you. They are very simply and they will be everyday conversation for you by the end of class. Now with the BOOK all the information is available at your finger tips.

For those of you that want to get more involved in trading , the “Professor” offers an advanced course on "Position Trading." You can learn about the “Professor” rifle trades, hanging fruit trades, pistol trades and more.

Drop into my office, "Prof's Office," from time to time for my "Comments", "Lessons and Strategies", “Dean's List”, “Honor Roll”, “Members Watch List” and more. Be sure not to miss the Member Services (Referral Program, Resource Links and Stock Analysis) pages.


As always, the Professor never makes recommendations. The information is provided on an educational basis so you can have informed discussions with your financial advisors and/or accountants about your individual investment decisions.

All of the commentary expressed in this site and any attachments are opinions of the author, subject to change, and provided for educational purposes only. Nothing in this commentary or any attachments should be considered as trading advice. Trading any financial instrument is RISKY and may result in loss of capital including loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Always understand the RISK before you trade.